Lung diseases are the leading cause of death and disease in Europe and throughout the world. Anyone can be affected by lung diseases, not just smokers. Lung diseases impact on almost every family in Europe.
Latest news updates from around the world….
Future climate change may increase asthma attacks for children – 08/09/2011
Climate change could lead to more asthma-related health problems in children and more emergency room visits over the next ten years.
ERS experts call for coordinated strategy to reduce health burden of lung disease – 07/09/2011
The European Respiratory Society (ERS) is calling on policy makers and health professionals to work together to tackle the changes that must be made to reduce the growing impact of lung disease.
Children living with a smoker have more absences from school – 06/09/2011
Children who live in a household where they are exposed to tobacco smoke, miss more days off school than children living in smoke-free homes, according to new research.