Ask the doctor – Spirometry

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About ERS Specialist Paul Enright MD.

Paul Enright, MD, became interested in asthma during his internal medicine training in Honolulu about 30 years ago. He took an allergy (asthma) fellowship at National Jewish Hospital in Denver, Colorado (USA) and then completed subspecialty training in pulmonary medicine at the University of Colorado.

He then moved to Rochester, Minnesota, to work for nine years as a pulmonologist at the Mayo Clinic. He started his clinical research career in 1990 as an investigator for the smoking cessation Lung Health Study, funded by the National Institutes of Health (USA).

He and his wife, Diane, moved to Tucson, Arizona, in 1993, where he has done research in asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), smoking cessation, pulmonary function testing, and sleep apneoa. Since 2000, he has spent half-time investigating occupational lung disease for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), a branch of the Centers for Disease Control (Morgantown, West Virginia, USA). His current projects include investigating lung disease in microwave popcorn workers, responders to the World Trade Center Ground Zero site, wildland firefighters, and workers in “sick buildings.”

The ELF would like to thank ERS specialist Paul Enright, MD. for taking the time to answer your questions, and his wife Diane (the female voice in the background).

Keep checking the ELF homepage for details about the next ‘ask the doctor’ video.


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