The first ELF Patient Advisory Committee meeting took place during the ERS Amsterdam Congress and served as an opportunity for European patient organisations to discuss common interests, key issues and how to influence the ERS agenda.
Read the meeting minutes:
In English
In Italian
The following patient organisation representatives attended the meeting:
- Alfa Europe (Alan Heywood-Jones)
- Apneuverening (Piet-Heijn van Mechelen and Annemieke Ooms)
- Association Italiana Pazienti BPCO Onlus (Rosanna and Fausta Franchi)
- Asthma Society of Ireland (Breda Flood)
- Asthma UK (Leanne Metcalf)
- Asthmafonds (Pim de Boer)
- Austrian Lungenunion (Otto Spranger)
- British Lung Foundation (Ian Jarrold)
- CF Europe (Hilde de Keyser)
- EFA (Susanna Palkonnen)
- Federasma (Luigi Visintin)
- FFAAIR (Liliya Belenko Gentet)
- Global Allergy and Asthma Patient Platform (GAAPP) (Antje-Henriette Fink-Wagner)
- Irish Sleep Apnoea Trust (Dan Smyth)
- June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund (Kate Hill)
- Lovexair (Shane Fitch)
- PHA Europe (Pisana Ferrari)
- Romanian Tuberculosis Association (ARB-TB) (Marius Dimitru)
- Verening Apneu Patienten (VAPA) (Victor Hanssens)