Do you know an inspiring individual who has achieved success in an activity or sport despite having problems with their lungs? Or do you know someone with a lung condition who has dramatically improved their quality of life by getting involved in a physical activity?
As part of the campaign for World Spirometry Day 2012, we are asking you to nominate Lung Champions who can help raise awareness of the importance of activity and sport for lung health.
We are looking for Lung Champions of all ages and abilities; perhaps aspiring young athletes with cystic fibrosis, a COPD patient taking part in a pulmonary rehabilitation programme or an Olympian with asthma.
We will recognise the achievements of all Lung Champions on the World Spirometry Day website and they will also have the opportunity to share their story during lung testing events and with the press and media.
To nominate a Lung Champion, please complete the form below. The nominee must be informed about their nomination before submitting their story.