Now you can easily keep up-to-date with the latest quality assured news and updates from the European Lung Foundation. With our online RSS (Rich Site Summary) feed, you can add the latest ELF news and updates to your own website, portal or RSS reader.
What is RSS?
RSS, or Rich Site Summary, lets you choose to receive content from a number of websites and read it in one place via a RSS reader.
The RSS reader will then alert you when new material is posted on the websites that offer RSS feeds. This saves you time as you do not have to then check sites individually. Many websites, including the European Lung Foundation, offer RSS feeds.
What You Need
All you need is a tool known as an RSS reader. There are several versions; some need to be downloaded to your computer, others are web-based. Web based readers such as Google Reader and My Yahoo! are free and very easy to use.
How To Subscribe
Once you have an RSS reader just go to and click the appropriate subscribe button (depending on the reader you are using). Every time ELF has a new science or news update it will then appear in your RSS reader; keeping you up-to-date with the latest ELF reviewed news and updates.
If you have My yahoo! you can add the RSS feed here
Using ELF RSS feeds on your site
If you run your own website or blog, you can use RSS feeds to display the latest quality assured news and updates from ELF on your site.
We encourage the use of ELF RSS feeds in this way; however, we do require that the proper format and attribution is used when ELF content appears.