Clean air plan

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Quality and healthy environment is one of the basic preconditions for quality life of all citizens in the Republic of Macedonia, and the commitment of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia. Clean air is one of the main components, which, unfortunately, historically in the Republic of Macedonia, in recent decades, has high values.

A number of pollutants are present in the air in urban and industrial areas:

Primary (emitted directly from sources of pollution);
Secondary (formed by the interaction of two or more pollutants or by the interaction of primary pollutants with components present in polluted air)
Emissions of air pollutants come from almost all economic and social human activities: traffic, industry, combustion and energy plants, households, construction activities, landfills (especially illegal) waste and agricultural activities. The combustion of biomass by households, ie the burning of solid fuels such as wood and coal, is an important source of directly emitted solid particles and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which belong to the class of carcinogens. Agriculture is a major responsible activity for ammonia (NH3) emissions, which has an impact on both human health and ecosystems.

The Republic of Macedonia performs regular monitoring (although with many challenges and room for improvement) of the air quality in Skopje and other major cities in the Republic of Macedonia, and prepares the so-called Pollutant emission injectors in accordance with the EMEP / EEA guidelines (joint guidelines of the European Air Monitoring Program and the European Environment Agency) and transposed into the Rulebook on the methodology for inventory and determination of pollutant emissions in tons per year for all types of activities adopted in November 2007 (Official Gazette of RM no. 147/2007).


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