Asthma in the news

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04/05/2011 WHO report shows deaths from non-infectious diseases on the rise

Diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, and heart disease now cause more deaths than all other diseases combined, according to a report from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

03/05/2011 UK doctors need more training to treat asthma

Doctors in the UK do not receive enough training in treating asthma, according to a new study released on World Asthma Day.

12/04/2011 New inhaler helps monitor cause of asthma attacks

People with asthma are set to benefit from a novel way of monitoring and treating their disease, thanks to a researcher in the USA.

01/04/2011 New vaccine could bring cure to asthma caused by dust mites

A vaccine that could completely cure asthma caused by house dust mite allergies is being developed by Australian researchers.

28/03/2011 Children with asthma need more help with inhalers

Fewer than one in 10 children with asthma use inhalers correctly, according to new research.

23/03/2011 Study finds that protein IL-13 stimulates fibroblast cells to invade the airway of asthma sufferers

According to researchers in the USA, changes that occur in the airways of people with asthma are, in part, caused by the naturally occurring protein interleukin-13 (IL-13).

21/03/2011 Gender influences lung defects in children

Differences in lung defects have been linked to gender in a new study carried out by researchers in the USA.

18/03/2011 Anti-asthma drug could limit seasonal attacks

Children and young adults with allergic asthma could benefit from new anti-asthma medication, according to the latest research.

03/03/2011 Environmental tobacco smoke education could benefit children with asthma

Children who have a high risk of asthma exacerbations may benefit from receiving education about environmental tobacco smoke from their carers, according to new research.

16/02/2011 Mild asthma might not need to be treated daily

Mild asthma might not need to be treated every day according to new research.


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