he links on this page will take you to sites that have useful information on all aspects of the lungs and your health in general.
DG SANCO: is the Health & Consumer Protection Directorate General of the EU. DG SANCO helps make Europe’s citizens healthier, safer and more confident.
EU Health Portal: a single point of reference from the European Commission for reliable and easily accessible information on a wide range of health-related topics for citizens, patients, health professionals, stakeholders and policy-makers.
The cost of healthcare abroad: provides information on how to get treatment when you are abroad.
Österreichischen Lungenunion: Austrian Lung Foundation.
Read reviewers comments on this website (PDF).
Danmarks Lungeforening: the Danish lung association working for better prevention and treatment of lung diseases and helping patients with lung diseases in Denmark.
Read reviewers comments on this website (PDF).
Lungeforeningen Boserup Minde: is a Danish lung association providing information to patients on various lung diseases.
Read reviewers comments on this website (PDF).
Heli Hengitysliiton: is Finland’s largest social and health organisation. It is involved in a wide range of activities, including rehabilitation, vocational training, running of work centres and various health promotion activities for lung patients.
Read reviewers comments on this website (PDF).
Federation Francaise des Associations et Amicales de malades, Insuffisants ou handicapes Respiratoire (FFAAIR): is a French federation of combined lung disease organisations that aim to reduce the handicap of lung disease patients.
Read reviewers comments on this website (PDF).
Comite contre les maladies respiratoires: The national committee against respiratory diseases promotes respiratory health and protection of the lungs.
Read reviewers comments on this website (PDF).
Deutsche Lungenstiftung: the German lung foundation was created by members of the German Pulmonary Society and provides information to lung disease patients.
Read reviewers comments on this website (PDF).
Deutsche Lungentag: the German lung day is an annual event aimed to increase the public awareness of lung diseases and their symptoms.
Read reviewers comments on this website (PDF).
Bundesverband der Pneumologen: the German Federation of Lung Health acts as an information platform for lung health topics.
Read reviewers comments on this website (PDF).
Patientenliga Atemwegserkrankungen: the German association of respiratory disease is a combination of local respiratory groups which aim to improve the lives’ of lung disease sufferers.
Read reviewers comments on this website (PDF).
Deutsche Atemwegsliga: Germany breathe easy works with experts in the field of respiratory medicine to put scientific discoveries into practice and provide information for lung patients.
Read reviewers comments on this website (PDF).
Magyar Tüdőgyógyász Társaság (MTT): the Hungarian Respiratory Society contains patient information for asthma patients.
Read reviewers comments on this website (PDF).
Landsforeningen for hjerte- og lungesyke (LHL): Norwegian heart and lung association aims to improve the lives’ of heart and lung patients.
Read reviewers comments on this website (PDF).
The British Lung Foundation: support people affected by lung disease through the individual challenges they will face.
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI): provides leadership for a national program in diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lung, and blood; blood resources; and sleep disorders.
The Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD): works towards the common goal of fighting chronic respiratory diseases.