Cystic fibrosis exacerbations have a high burden on society and individuals
People with cystic fibrosis can experience periods of worsening symptoms, known as an exacerbation.
A new study, published in the European Respiratory Journal, aimed to analyse the impact of these exacerbations on the individual and on healthcare systems.
94 people with cystic fibrosis took part in the study. 60 of them had no exacerbation during the study, 15 had a mild exacerbation and 19 had a severe exacerbation.
Each patient completed questionnaires to measure their quality of life, along with a lung function test and a clinical form to measure their symptoms.
The results showed that the people who suffered a bad exacerbation also experienced a worse quality of life. The findings also revealed that, people in the study experienced on average 3.6 exacerbations per year, resulting in an average stay in hospital of 9 days.
The researchers believe the results demonstrate the high burden of exacerbations, both on the quality of life and on the healthcare system.